Hair & Dental and Aesthetic Surgery



Thousands of satisfied patients
10+ years of experience


7-24 Online appointment
Hospital- Hotel- Transfer

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+90 546 199 30 11

İntica Clinic

From 2010 to Today…

As Intica Clinic, we have been applying all diagnoses and treatments in the field of health since 2010. It is important for our polyclinic that this service we provide in the field of health is within the framework of the principles of sincerity, transparency and honesty.

We aim to do our best for you, our valued patients, by trying to create a safe and peaceful family environment with our happy team.

İntica Clinic

Our Dental Treatments

Yaprak Porselen
Diş Eti Estetiği
Zirkonyum Kaplama
Dental Veneers
Holywood Smile

İntica Clinic

Aesthetic And Plastic Surgery

Popo Büyütme (BBL)
Meme Protezi
Meme Büyütme
Yüz Germe – Face Lift

İntica Clinic

Hair Treatments

DHI Yöntemi Saç Ekimi
FUE Yöntemi Saç Ekimi

Our Expert Doctors

We provide services in all fields of health with our distinguished team of 10+ years of experience in the field.

Our Clinics / Hospitals

Before / After

For Your Health! Best Services

We work with high success rates and 100% patient satisfaction with the treatments performed by our specialist doctors in all branches of aesthetics, hair transplantation and all dental treatments.

Aesthetic Surgery

Aesthetic surgery helps the person to be happier, more self-confident, at peace with his environment and himself by eliminating the problems in his external appearance. Of course, happiness and self-confidence are not just about aesthetic beauty, but they are one of the most important factors.

Mouth and dental health

Mouth and dental health; It means the general health of the mouth, teeth and gums, which enable us to speak, laugh, taste, chew and swallow. The main purpose in oral and dental health is to protect the general health of the mouth by preventing negative conditions such as tooth decay and gum diseases.

Hair Treatments

Today, with the technological progress, great development and progress have been made in hair transplantation methods and hair loss treatments. Hair transplant surgeries, which have turned into procedures performed with minimally invasive techniques, have become what they are today with the development of the tools used.

Why Intica Clinic

Intica Clinic maintains its leading position in the sector with its 10+ years of experience and specialist doctors. He performs many operations in the fields of Plastic Surgery, Dental Aesthetics and Treatments, Hair Transplantation, accompanied by specialist physicians.

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Hotel transfer from the airport with VIP vehicles and Tercuman team
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Face-to-face consultation and intervention by the doctor
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Comfortable accommodation and hospitality in 5-star hotels
Gradation Image


Control and airport transfer by our doctors after your treatment

Let's Call You

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